​​​​Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED classes are $125.00 + 4.00 Paypal fee for your card & manual

Heartsaver First Aid Only classes are $85.00 + 3.00 Paypal fee for your card & manual

This  class includes:  First Aid Basics, Medical Emergencies including Breathing Problems, Choking Adult, Allergic Reactions, Heart Attack, Fainting, Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar, Stroke, Seizure and Shock.  Injury Emergencies including Bleeding you can see, Wounds, Bleeding you Can't See, Head Neck and Spine Injuries, Burns and Electrical Emergencies.  Environmental Emergencies including Bites and Stings, Heat-Related Emergencies, Cold-Related Emergencies, Poison Emergencies and More

​Skills Testing, Remediation Availability, Course Conclusion and Course Evaluation.

 Same day 2 year certification,​ You may call/text to register at 708-214-3903  or Email Cardiomoves@aol.com  or Registration also on the AHA Website



American Heart Association First Aid Classes are with or without CPR/AED

You learn immediate care that you give someone with an illness or injury before someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over

First Aid may help someone recover more completely or more quickly and may  mean the difference between life and death

Most of the time you'll give First Aid for minor illnesses or injuries.  You may also give first aid for a more serious illness or injury such as a heart attach of major bleeding